CE Approved Respirators
Makrite manufactures more than 80 models of disposable respirators (several highlighted below) officially approved for use in European Union countries and others that follow the CE respirator protocols. These respirators meet all levels of EU safety standards (including FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3) and can be used with a variety of head- and hearing-protection products.
While we produce models without exhalation valves
for work environments that pose no breathing challenge,
we also offer masks with high-functioning exhalation
valves for extra comfort in hot and humid work conditions. Respirators may be purchased with a variety of
headstraps, a wide range of other comfort features and a
carbon layer for relief from nuisance odors.
Our CE Approved Respirators
CE Approved Respirators: What to Look for
CE approved respirators have a 94% efficiency rating, and are capable of filtering particles as small as 0.3 microns. When ordering CE approved respirators, check the following: